Manufacturing Plant-VMIPositionProduct serviceManufacturing Plant-VMI


VMI is a cooperative strategy, which aims at obtaining the lowest cost for both the host plant and the supplier. Under a common agreement, the host plant chooses the third party logistics service providers within the scope of 5KM to establish the VMI warehouse. The supplier manages the inventory of the VMI warehouse, and continuously supervises the implementation of the agreement and amends the content of the agreement, so as to improve the inventory management continuously. To achieve the enterprise to provide suppliers with spare parts intermediate warehousing distribution, conversion packaging, parts packaging, distribution on-line, agent delivery and other logistics services.

Under VMI mode, warehouse inventory property rights belong to suppliers. Manufacturing factories, suppliers and third party logistics share the current inventory and actual consumption inventory data of warehouse. Inventory min/max value is set. According to the actual consumption model of spare parts, consumption trend and replenishment strategy, warehouse is replenished to warehouse. The whole process of information management is realized through WMS information system to realize the information management from order to order. Standardized management of warehousing, receiving, shelving, storage, packaging conversion, barge transportation, container return to operation performance, etc.


There are more suppliers in point A and B of the procurement system of a manufacturing chain main enterprise. Usually there are hundreds of suppliers and more than 5000 parts under management. The factory often faces the problems of frequent parts allocation, high management cost, high inventory cost, frequent delivery of large number of suppliers at intersections, congestion at warehouse intersections, self-distribution of factory logistics on-line, many processes and timeliness. Slow.

Logistics can help enterprises integrate supply chains, implement VMI warehousing services, dock with manufacturing plants and suppliers in a tripartite B2B system, implement shared inventory, change delivery mode into vendor managed inventory-VMI mode, carry out inventory reserve and production line delivery according to the demand Kanban of enterprise factories, and set up buffer inventory to curb the outage wind. Insurance helps manufacturing factories simplify internal processes, outsource non-core business, concentrate resources more, reduce the cost of parts logistics, realize small-batch purchase of suppliers'parts by manufacturing factories, and save the occupancy of inventory funds of manufacturing factories.

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